Deployment & Upgrades

Deployment matrix

Splunk roles required
Search head yes
Indexer tiers yes
Heavy Forwarders conditional

If Heavy Forwarders are used as intermediate forwarders, the TA must be deployed

If Splunk search heads are running in Search Head Cluster (SHC), the Splunk application must be deployed by the SHC deployer.

The deployment and configuration requires the creation of a dedicated event index (by default called kafka), see the implementation section.

Initial deployment

  • The Splunk application is a tar compressed archive, which content must be placed in the apps directory of the Splunk instance
  • If deployed on the Kafka component to be monitored (example: Kafka broker), the default/inputs.conf must be tuned and adapted to your context, and its inputs activated
  • For SHC configurations (Search Head Cluster), extract the tgz content in the SHC deployer and publish the SHC bundle


Upgrading the Splunk application is pretty much the same operation, use one of the techniques that matches your conditions / requirements.